Treatment Options for Substance Use Disorder

Watch this video to learn about the range of substance use disorder treatment options in the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s system.

Note: You must have cookies enabled on your browser in order to track your completion of the course and receive a certificate.

Nasal Naloxone Spray Video Demo

Watch this video for a step-by-step demonstration on how to use nasal naloxone for known or suspected opioid overdose.

Note: You must have cookies enabled on your browser in order to track your completion of the course and receive a certificate.

November 13th-17th HCV/HIV/STI Overdose Prevention Test Counselor Pre-Training

Upcoming In-Person Training: November 13th – 17th, 2023

This online course provides the information that forms the foundation for the HCV/HIV/STI Overdose Prevention Test Counselor Pre-Training you will be attending soon. Both trainings build on almost 30 years of experience talking with people about stopping the transmission of HIV.

This online course is separated into reading modules, followed by a 32-question quiz. There is no time limit to complete the reading or quiz. You need at least 80 percent of correct responses in order to be eligible to participate in the in-person training. If you do not pass on the first try, you can retake the quiz one more time after reading the material again.

Learners are not able to self-enroll in the pre-training course at this time. Instead, your site coordinator should have registered you for this program and you should have received an email notification from the SFDPH Center for Learning and Innovation saying you have been enrolled in this course. If you have not yet received this email notification, please reach out to your site coordinator first to ensure they have submitted an application for your registration in this program.

If you are a learner seeking to register yourself in this program and are unsure of who your site coordinator is, or you believe you are at a site without a coordinator, please contact Todd Watkins at

Reducing Stigma Against People Who Use Drugs

In this module, we will cover the basics of drug-related stigma, stigma’s effects on people who use drugs, and apply anti-stigma practices to strengthen relationships and engage people who use drugs.

Module 5: Infectiousness and Infection Control

These educational modules are designed to provide basic information about tuberculosis (TB) in a self-study format for new TB Disease Intervention Specialists. After completion of this module, the staff will be able to:

  • Describe the factors that determine the infectiousness of a TB patient. 
  • Describe the main goals of a TB infection-control program. 
  • Describe the three levels of control measures that are the basis of an effective infection-control program. 
  • Describe the purpose and the characteristics of a TB airborne infection isolation room. 
  • Describe the circumstances when personal respirators should be used.


  1. Please review the PowerPoint presentation “Infectiousness and Infection Control.” You can find the PowerPoint embedded on the course homepage (see below).
  2. Complete the quiz with a passing grade of 70% or higher.

Deadline: The course should be completed within the first 6 months of employment.

Module 4: Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Tuberculosis Disease

These educational modules are designed to provide basic information about tuberculosis (TB) in a self-study format for new TB Disease Intervention Specialists. After completion of this module, the staff will be able to:

  • List the groups of people who should receive high priority for LTBI treatment. 
  • Describe treatment regimens for LTBI. 
  • Describe treatment regimens for TB disease. 
  • Describe the principles of preventing drug resistance. 
  • Describe patient monitoring during LTBI and TB disease treatment.
  • Describe TB treatment adherence strategies.
  • List the common adverse reactions to the drugs used to treat LTBI and TB disease.


  1. Please review the PowerPoint presentation “ Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Tuberculosis Disease.” You can find the PowerPoint embedded on the course homepage (see below).
  2. Complete the quiz with a passing grade of 70% or higher.

Deadline: The course should be completed within the first 6 months of employment.

Module 3: Targeted Testing and the Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Tuberculosis Disease

These educational modules are designed to provide basic information about tuberculosis (TB) in a self-study format for new TB Disease Intervention Specialists. After completion of this module, the staff will be able to:

  • Identify high-risk groups for targeted testing. 
  • Describe how to interpret an interferon-gamma release assay. 
  • Describe how to place, read, and interpret a Mantoux tuberculin skin test. 
  • Discuss considerations for using either an interferon-gamma release assay or the Mantoux tuberculin skin test for diagnosing latent TB infection.
  • Describe the components of a medical evaluation for diagnosing TB disease.


  1. Please review the PowerPoint presentation ” Targeted Testing and The Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Tuberculosis Disease.” You can find the PowerPoint embedded on the course homepage (see below).
  2. Complete the quiz with a passing grade of 70% or higher.

Deadline: The course should be completed within the first 6 months of employment.

Module 2: Epidemiology of Tuberculosis

These educational modules are designed to provide basic information about tuberculosis (TB) in a self-study format for new TB Disease Intervention Specialists. After completion of this module, the staff will be able to:

  • Describe how the number of TB cases reported in the United States has changed over the last 65 years.
  • List five factors that contributed to the increase in the number of TB cases between 1985 and 1992.
  • List three improvements TB programs were able to make with increased federal, state, and other funds and resources that have contributed to a decrease in TB cases since 1993. 
  • List the groups of people who are more likely to be exposed to or infected with M. tuberculosis.
  • List the groups of people who are more likely to develop TB disease once infected with M. tuberculosis.


  1. Please review the PowerPoint presentation “ The Epidemiology of Tuberculosis.” You can find the PowerPoint embedded on the course homepage (see below).
  2. Complete the quiz with a passing grade of 70% or higher.

Deadline: The course should be completed within the first 6 months of employment.

Triage to Alternate Destination

Welcome to the SF Emergency Medical Services Agency Triage to Alternate Destination (TAD) Course. Please plan to have 4 hours set aside to take this course.

Course Overview: Describes Triage to Alternate Destination (TAD) in SF. Discusses Alcohol Abuse and assessing the intoxicated patient. Describes the different TAD locations within San Francisco City and County. Explains the transport requirements for TAD locations in San Francisco. This course is required for any Paramedic in San Francisco who transports a patient to an Alternate Destination (Sobering/VA). Non-Transport Paramedics (i.e. Engine Medics) and EMTs can also take the course to earn CE credits.

Method of Evaluation: Online 10 question test; must receive a passing score of 80% or higher to pass this course and receive your CEU credits. You are permitted to retake the quiz twice (3 attempts total). If you do not pass the quiz on the third attempt, please email AND to retake the course.

Learning Objectives:

  • Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:
    • Describe Triage to Alternate Destination (TAD) in SF
    • Understand Alcohol Abuse and assessing the intoxicated patient
    • Understand the different TAD locations within San Francisco City and County
    • Understand the transport requirements for TAD locations in San Francisco

After you complete the course, click here to take the Course Evaluation Survey. This survey is required in order for you to receive your CEUs.

Click the Launch button below to begin the course.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After completing the training, you must return to this course page to take the Knowledge Check quiz below. You will not be able to take the quiz until after you have participated in the entire training.

Knowledge Check Quiz:Status
Triage to Alternate DestinationIncomplete

Onboarding Training Depot

Welcome to the RADR Fundamentals Training Depot, where you can find resources to support onboarding and refresher training for Public Health and DIS Fundamentals and other support for training and navigating our public health system.
If you would like a record of your learning progress in this course, here’s what you need to know:
Once you have completed your onboarding or refresher training, you can upload an image of your completed certificates, screen shots, and learning to the Training Record Upload tab lesson found at the end. Additional instructions can be found within the lessons.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started and Intro to SFDPH-RADR
  2. Public Health Fundamentals
  3. DIS Fundamentals
  4. Links to Other Training Resources
  5. Training Record Upload – Track Your Progress