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  • in reply to: Lesson 4 #2247

    Sustainability of stakeholders, the meeting is important and also, online communication is important.

    For my CAB, we create the LINE group for discussed and share information and also use group telephone conference sometime.

    MSM stakeholder, we create the Adam’s love web site for give education and entertainment also.

    in reply to: Lesson 4 #2246

    1. We use meeting with Clinic staffs, Community educator, Trial staffs, etc. and list stakeholder that may be affected conducting study. Another method is list from CAB meeting. We use mapping from local NGOs, Hence stakeholder mapping can come from several methods.
    2. Activities build and sustain long term relationship with stakeholder; we set up the meeting, newsletters, website and events such as World Aids Day activities. We also update the progress of study with stakeholder regularly.

    in reply to: Lesson 3 #2144

    I agreed with Pongpun. Formative research can conduct after start study if we need to investigate about study procedure for consent process or follow up process such as identify new stakeholder. We have experience formative research to investigate about identify other key stakeholder in the Test and Treat study. It useful for help more increase recruitment rate in this study.

    in reply to: Lesson 3 #2143

    1) Discuss the link between formative research and community engagement for a trial. How are they alike? What are some differences between the two?

    Formative research is helping to identify key stakeholders and help researchers gain understanding of the community – key concerns, fears, belief, cultural/social practices and previous experience with research. As for the difference, I think the key difference is that community engagement is more ongoing and takes place over the course of and even after a trial ends, whereas formative research is conducted before a trial begins.

    2) Has your site conducted formative research activities? How have you involved community stakeholders in formative research activities at your trial site? If not, how could you potentially involve them?

    TRC-ARC conducted formative research activities by established the CAB in 2006 in accordance with the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines. These mechanisms include the TRC-ARC CAB, community forums and workshops, individual stakeholder meetings, focus group discussions, and informal continuous dialogue with stakeholders. The TRC-ARC research team, in consultation with its CAB members, identifies relevant community stakeholders for each study and related interesting services at The Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic. The TRC-ARC CAB have mechanism to support community participation in the HIV trial and interesting services at The Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic and TRC-ARC.
    Yes, I have. I think that it was Formative research informally. Before trial start, we have meeting with staff and CAB for identify stakeholders. After that we have meeting with each stakeholder, GOs, NGOs and representative from MOPH, Hospitals for introduce study and interview them about how do they feel, concern and etc. We receive many important things and useful for revise strategy of staff including recruitment, clinic procedure, safety concern.

    in reply to: Lesson 2 #2079

    Dear Patchata,
    I agreed with you the rumor makes bad recruitment rate. And also May be effect on the rate of follow up. Communication activities are important for make clearly picture and make trust for community and all stakeholder also.

    in reply to: Lesson 2 #2078

    Dear Patchata,
    I agreed with you the rumor makes bad recruitment rate. And also May be effect on the rate of follow up. Communication activities are important for make clearly picture and make trust for community and all stakeholder also.

    in reply to: Lesson 2 #2077

    2) Describe two benefits of conducting stakeholder engagement throughout the entire trial process, and describe two potential consequences of not meaningfully involving stakeholders. For each example, list a measurable indicator of success.

    Stakeholder engagement that is ongoing through the entire trial process builds trust between the researchers and the stakeholders, which might facilitate more frequent, more appropriate, more constructive inputs from stakeholders at critical time points.
    Examples of not meaningfully involving stakeholders are inappropriate and not trust. The recruitment rate may be slowly and not accept from community may be cause of high rate lost to follow up .

    in reply to: Lesson 2 #2076

    1) Think about the activity you completed in this module that distinguished between GPP goals, objectives, and activities. Take this opportunity to ask any questions or get clarifications about distinguishing between the three terms.

    When I think about Goals and Objectives, Goals is a big picture and not specific to a single trial, while the objective are the set of actions. Without clear goal and objectives it is almost sure that the stakeholder engagements plan wills not effectiveness as the result stakeholder requirements will not be clear, sometimes goals and objectives might be unclear because stakeholders lack the experience to describe what they really understand. Defining clear can take time and lots of communications are important. Could you please advise.

    in reply to: Lesson 1 #2072

    Hi all:
    While we all appreciate the importance of stakeholder engagement that refer to process through which trial funders, sponsors, and implementer build transparent, meaningful collaborative, and mutually beneficial relationship with interested or affected individuals, groups of individuals or organization with the ultimate goal of shaping research collectively.
    Each of the HV/AIDS prevention research trial at The Thai red cross AIDS research centre (TRC-ARC) understands the importance of stakeholder engagement. They all have established mechanisms for engagement – CABS are the primary means of community engagement. The TRC-ARC uses various community advisory mechanisms for its community engagement plan in accordance with the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines. These mechanisms include the TRC-ARC CAB, community forums and workshops, individual stakeholder meetings, focus group discussions, and informal continuous dialogue with stakeholders.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Siriporn.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Siriporn.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Siriporn.
    in reply to: Lesson 1 #1998

    1.In your own words, describe why stakeholders are an important part of the research process.

    Biomedical HIV prevention trial research is a usually a contentious issue with polarized views held, on the one hand, by those who represent researcher, sponsor (stakeholder) and, on the other hand those who represent of participant and community stakeholders. Thus it is obvious that research into HIV/AIDS human research for sustainability should engage with representatives from across these stakeholders. Also, stakeholders are either directly or indirectly influenced by the planning, conduct and research findings.

    2.To what extent does the research team you work with have an understanding of the value of stakeholder engagement? Explain your answer.

    Each of the HV/AIDS prevention research trial at The Thai red cross AIDS research centre (TRC-ARC) understands the importance of stakeholder engagement. They all have established mechanisms for engagement – CABS are the primary means of community engagement. The TRC-ARC uses various community advisory mechanisms for its community engagement plan in accordance with the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines. These mechanisms include the TRC-ARC CAB, community forums and workshops, individual stakeholder meetings, focus group discussions, and informal continuous dialogue with stakeholders. The TRC-ARC research team, in consultation with its CAB members, identifies relevant community stakeholders for each study at The Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic. The TRC-ARC CAB was established in 2006 as a mechanism to support community participation in the HIV trial. It was originally comprised of invited representatives from non-governmental organizations and communities actively involved in or affected by HIV during its early epidemic in Bangkok. These organizations include the AIDS Access Foundation, the Foundation for AIDS Rights (FAR), the Thai NGO Coalition on AIDS (TNCA), the Thai Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (TNP+), the Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group (TTAG), 12D (a Harm Reduction NGO), Anjaree (a Lesbian NGO), We Understand Group (an NGO working with children and youth), Service Workers in Group (SWING, a male sex worker NGO), Empower Group (a female sex worker NGO), Wednesday’s Friends Club (a PLHIV peer educator group), Rainbow Sky Network (an MSM NGO), the Women’s Health Advocacy Foundation, the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association, and representatives from selected geographical communities

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Siriporn.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Siriporn.

    I have 10 years of experience in HIV clinical research that includes over 15 HIV therapeutics and preventive studies. I joined the South East Asia Research Collaboration with Hawaii (SEARCH) in 2010. SEARCH is collaboration between the University of Hawaii, the US Armed Forces Research Institute for Medical Science and the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center to conduct HIV research. As the MSM Manager programs, SEARCH, Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (TRC-ARC), I have to coordinate the works to support the conduct of all HIV studies.
    I think GPP principles to be so helpful when I think about how to run our projects, plus the some of the theoretical issues around GPP are fascinating.

    Thank you for have this training and looking forward to learning with you all</span></p>

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