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  • in reply to: Lesson 9 Discussion Question #4049

    We are a multinetwork site and have been fortunate to have had trails running back to back in our community , we have manatined engagement of communities through general sensetizations and participation in national events such as the national candle light and world AIDS day commemorations. The site continues to sit on the  District and City AIDS Cordinating Committee this is a forum where all stake holders implimenting HIV AIDS programs in the the district meet, we continues to use these forums to update and increase the research competency of the communities.

    in reply to: Lesson 8 Discussion Question #4023

    the site will need to work with the CAB to brainstroms on ways the current situatioin can be adrresed , and then  meet the study participants at individaual and group level to understand and find ways in which the situatiions can be erectified. Community eduaction needs to be done to increase the research competency of the communities involved. Representives from the concerned community can also be invited for discusions that can center around the research  and participation

    Stake holders could have first been enganged and discusions on the potential  harms and developments that can arise as the study starts, stake holders can take part in developing key messages for the communities on the study trail that could help the community understand what the research trails involves . The site would develop and issuse management plan on how these circumstances would be addressed


    the stake holders are involved in all the stages from the development to the message to dissemination of the results. Our trail site involves the media at all stages of the trail thus making the message development process easier as all involved have a clear understanding of the trail .

    in reply to: Lesson 6 Discussion Question #3854

    1- The CAB at our site has a Review committee which is involved in the review of both informed consents and protocols, in one of the recent ICF reviews the committee made recommendations on the  wording for the amount of blood to be drawn they recommended that after mentioning the amount of blood to be drawn we should put in brackets the equivalent in table spoons , they advised  would help the participants to have a picture of the quantity of blood that will be drawn.

    2- Even when a protocol has been sent in its final form the CAB still sits down and reviews the protocol , if and when there are concerns  that they feel need to be addressed they are documented and filled at the sites IRB, the site then has a meeting with the review committee to pave a way forward and where need be amendments sent for the review.

    in reply to: Lesson 5 Discussion Question #3797

    social media has never had effect on the trails at our site due to the coverage and access to platforms by the general community.

    We have been fortunate not to experience any unexpected issues at the site but have in place an issues management plan for some anticipated issues that may occur in different protocols

    in reply to: Lesson 3 Discussion Question #3639
    1. Formative research in my understanding helps to gain an understanding of the communities that the trail will be conducted in and helps understand all the communication chanells that are used by the population at hand , this is a  fundemental step for good community engagement as it sets a good understanding of the communities that you will set out to reach
    2. We have worked with the District Councils to up date the list of leadership hirachy as a way of keeping track  how information and communitation moves from the Traditional Authorities right down to the block leaders   and to the house holds in our catchment area. We also work with other stake holders to see how best the national events can best be layed out to be able to reach out to communities.

    In Malawi  these matters are handled by the police , they have special unit the handles such such cases called the Victims Surport Unit, in is very vibrant and recieves funding from Donners. So they have sensetizations in th ecommunities urging victems and communities to report cases to the police.

    Local leaders have been trained to be able to intervine in Gender based violence and be able to involove the police in matters that arise in the communities.

    in reply to: Lesson 1 Discussion Question #3254

    Well most of them limit there definition of stake holder to the organisations that work in the same field and would only limit there activities to theses organisations and what they see as would be participants, there is in most cases no regard for the broader definition of stake holders especial y for those that would be effected by the conduct and outcome of the trails.

    Pearson M’modzi

    in reply to: GPP #3245

    Hi everyone ,

    its really exciting to be part of this team , I am looking forward to learning from you guys .lets stay in touch

    in reply to: Module 0 assessment – intricate #3244

    I am also experiencing the same , progress still at 0, some one help

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