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  • in reply to: Lesson 4 #2104

    The same way we strive to ensure that various key groups (formal structures and informal structures) within our local community are represented within the CAB or other stakeholders engagement platforms, we build and maintain open communication channels with other stakeholders that are based or operating from outside the local community, but who might impact our research in a way or another. there are important stakeholders consultations and meetings taking place and we use those channels. we also attend and engage in events and mini conferences hosted by other stakeholders.



    in reply to: HIV R4P Conference! #2102

    Hey Smart Stacey Hannah, Yep of course I will be attending the conference, so see you all there!



    I would agree with Jauhara.

    For me, on top of what Jauhara and Patchara mentioned, we have got to ensure that stakeholders education is an ongoing process just as we in the field get ongoing trainings and knowledge updates.

    secondly we’ve got to strategize our education plan in a way that it responds to specific needs of specific stakeholders. meaning it should not be a one size fits all type of approach. considering also that our stakeholders are often not at the same level when it comes to understanding HIV research, we should adapt our education content and style/methods accordingly. some folks will need very basic literacy, some will need a refresher training on some key stuffs, some will understand a scenarios style of sharing, some will grasp the message through role playing, etc. and some stakeholders find it easy when the messaging is contextualised in what they do, for them to understand.

    So our duties are not that easy folks!!! I have to remind myself of this everytime!

    Thanks for these great topics and insights from fellows.

    in reply to: Lesson 2 #1944

    Patchara and others have just said it: goals, objectives and activities.

    And on the impact, it is easy for rumours and misinformation to emerge where there is no the right information. and to ensure the that community has the right information, the stakeholders education plan and stakeholders engagement plan should answer that question. where there is the right and correct information there will be confidence, trust and support. ownership by the stakeholders is also very crucial, so considering their inputs is valuable.

    in reply to: Lesson 1 #1869

    Yeah, we need to be sensitive in the planning and implementation of our research projects, and therefore need to involve stakeholders to get their advise and inputs.

    Engaging stakeholders is way of showing them respect throughout the process, it encourages acceptability and support of programmes from their sides. they become knowledgeable and well place to own and defend research programmes.

    Rumours will be minimized when stakeholders know what is going on. recruitment and retention/adherence will be improved. 

    Well often other RC staff members who are not directly involved in community engagment fail to understand its importance and impact. at our RC I ensure that now and again I do a presentation in staff meetings and special trainings to make staff understand GPPand its place in research.

    Thx, Leader

    in reply to: How to Identify stakeholders? #1868

    I do agree with most of the points raised, and just to add that identifying stakeholders should also be considered a dynamic exercise which needs to be revisited now and again. organisations come and go, individuals themselves change all the time, their interest as well as their availability to continue consulting with you will also change over time. so It is important in my view to keep an eye on who you need, who is available and who needs/wants to be involved.



    Yeah, I did it too. was a nice challenge.

    Oh yeah Laura Potter and Anne,

    Nice meeting you on this platform. hope to see you again in Masiphumelele…

    The DTHF Youth Center is still striving to expand its work and impact on the local youth, amazing.

    Kind regards,

    Leader Kanyiki-Ngooyi

    in reply to: ENGAGEMENT FOR IMPACT Training #1746

    Dear Mathias, Jolly and all,

    I do agree with you all, the training last week was great and I hope these M&E tools once implemented will be able to strongly support the relevance and significance of community engagment (GPP) work.

    There are a couple of key informant interview assessment tools, for CAB members, potential participants, etc. the CE Coordinator has a tool to assess themselves, the PI as well…

    Yes, Jauhara. Let’s see how far we get and how successfully will we move on with the online challenge… all the best, I hope it will be exciting…

    Hello everyone,

    Good to hear from you all. My name is Leader Kanyiki Ngooyi, community engagement officer at Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation (DTHF) in Cape town, South Africa.


    I am currently involved in the Facts 001 study which has formally implemented the GPP guidelines and now recruiting for the IPM 027 study.

    More will follow. nice meeting you all online….


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