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  • in reply to: Lesson 3 Discussion Question #3701

    In our context we have done community mapping in trying to get to understand sex workers from their Hot spots. We get to understand their way of living and the challenges they face that can interfere with our trial study. The GPP Course is adding value to us on how to strategies the community engagement.

    in reply to: Lesson 3 Discussion Question #3699

    Formative Research activities  are the initial processes to community engagement which include community mapping in getting to understand the local population, their local perceptions, their social cultural norms and practices.

    in reply to: Lesson 2 Discussion Question #3615

    Hi every one,

    Module 2 was interesting and empowering to me and  to our Organization. I took long to finish the module assignment since, I kept on reviewing  the information time and again. I  work in the same organization with Charles and for sure we have been involving the stakeholders only when we want to recruit the study participants or when we are in a crisis. Among the GPP Principals , Trust and Mutual understanding were very interesting to me.


    In my community, sexual Gender based violence is common especially rape to the young girls/girl child. The cases are usually reported to the police station through  a special spot-bench, unfortunately they take long before the matters are taken to court while trying to prove the evidence. Cases  concerning rape take long and even end up un attended if the matter was not reported immediately, if the victim took a bath immediately or if there was no corroborative witness. The Law requires semen analysis to justify the offender among other physical injuries.

    in reply to: GPP Forum Posting Guidelines: read before you post! #3613

    Thanks for the information


    From the bottom level approach, a stakeholder would be a village elder who serves as a gate keeper to the community. You may not penetrate the community if the village elder is not involved. Therefore it is good to involve them for you to get the their support.

    in reply to: Post your technical questions about the LMS here! #3379

    Hi Anne, I have just uploaded the module 1  work assignment though am not sure whether am on the right track or not. Am I done with Module 1?

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