Think about the CAPRISA case study highlighted in the online training module for Lesson 9. How did their comprehensive approach contribute to their success and network of relationships created over time? What are some examples of how you have sustained relationships with communities after and between trials?
CAPRISA approach to the community was engaging stakeholders on trial and non trial related issues and they made the efforts to learn the cultural and social factors that impact on research outcomes. They developed trust and had mutual respect for the community and this helped them achieve good outcomes in the CAP 004 trial. They worked within the ethical framework on research implementation and had meetings with the CAB and the relevant stakeholders. They supported the community in non trial related work and discussed issues linked to community needs and not only what the researchers. They also engaged with the department of health and education.
At our research centre, we have sustained relationships by providing training to the community on HIV and non HIV related issues. We have also developed peer educators and they have become the voice of promoting prevention and treatment messages. Post trials, we have continued with community education and provided other study results so that the community may be kept informed about the research field. We have worked in several communities for over a decade as we have build trust and relationships at the ward level. Several of our community staff have roles in the OSS (Operations Sukuma Sake) group which helps meet the needs of the community in the various wards.