
For our site in most cases the protocol are sent in the site in final form, however  just before submission to the ethical review boards we normally translate the Informed consent into kiswahili and in a simple language for a non scientific person tho understand. The  PI of the study or the designee presents the study to the CAB members ( i.e. the tittle, aims/goal, objectives of the study, inclusion /exclusion criteria, duration, number of visits and some basic study procedures) in shwahili, the members gets time to ask questions and discuss the study. there after the members are given the Informed consent to review, normally they are told to comment with in two weeks so that not to delay submission to the ethics. If there are comments we include in the final document and submit to necessary bodies. In a later stage when the study is about to start  and we have got all the necessary approvals the site conducts an information seminar to the  media personnel and if necessary prepares a press release.   Then organize another information seminar for  the Local Government Authorities,  community leaders and other Heads of Departments in health at regional and district level, where the study is explained again in simple language and as usual time for question and answers