Hello colleagues,
1) First of all, CAB members are from the different institutions/ Organizations/former research participants that are in the position with capacity of helping ongoing clinical research. It is a group which sometimes changes depending on situations. This is concern of other stakeholders as well. You may need to add on some CAB or other stakeholders depending on research level, some sites start with a small group of CAB/stakeholders, because that all needed at that moments, but as the research site grow, you may need to support your CAB/stakeholders by adding more members, most of the time is better if you choose the new ones in collaboration with existing CAB members. Selecting stakeholders, you have to be objective while recruiting, because you need members who are capable and available to positively contribute to the clinical research.
2)For sustainability of stakeholders. CAB members meet every month, but sometimes we may need them for urgent reasons before their schedule time. During trainings of stakeholders, depending on what is on the training agenda, sometimes we invite CAB, research team and other stakeholders, with aim of allowing them to meet and socialize; which later we have find that is very important, seeing how they exchange and discuss about the clinical trials, and the perceptions from the communities, and suggest solutions to the research. Each group(CAB, Research team, other stakeholders) prepare also a presentation to be given in that training. We usually have 3 days of the training in the end of years. In order to motivate our stakeholders, we reimburse their transport fees, so no one would not miss because of the lack of transport.
All our stakeholders, are invited in symposium organized by Research site, especially during a launch of new study or dissemination of the study results, where sometimes our CAB member are also presents.