
Medical Dental Integration for People with Developmental Disabilities (slide presentation)


This session will provide dental providers, and their support personnel with a comprehensive demonstration of medical dental integration to improve overall quality of life for individuals with special health care needs. It will also help learners understand how to plan and implement a patient-centered health home for people with physical, developmental, and cognitive disabilities.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about Interprofessional Education for budding dentists.
  • Learn about improved clinical collaboration in a Federally Qualified Health Center setting.
  • Learn about scope of Integrated Health Information Technology in implementing a patient-centered health home.
  • Learn about Integrated Financing to cater needs of people with special health care needs.
  • Ravenswood Model to improve the overall health of people with special needs.


There is no recording of this webinar. Please review the slides below and complete the quiz and evaluation to receive credit.

Hospital Dentistry and Exemplary Models for People with Special Health Care Needs across their Lifespan (recorded webinar)

Date: May 31, 2023

Time: 5:30PM


This session will give dental providers and their support personnel a better understanding of hospital dentistry. It will highlight the indications and contraindications of dental treatment under anesthesia. The experts will also demonstrate the real-time working models of hospital dentistry centers catering to people with special health care needs across their lifespans.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the basics of hospital dentistry.
  • Learn about indications and contraindications of performing dental treatment under general anesthesia.
  • Learn about improved clinical outcomes through hospital dentistry models.
  • Learn about the Pediatric Dental Initiative (PDI) to improve the overall health of Children with Special Health Care Needs.
  • Learn about the Bay Area Dental Surgery Center to improve the overall health of adults with Special Health Care Needs.

Directions: You must watch the entire video and submit your answers to the poll questions in order to receive credit. After answering the questions, a screen will pop up asking you to “submit answers”. Please remember to click on “submit answers.” You must also fill out an evaluation.