The HCV/HIV/STI/Overdose Prevention Skills Certification Training is a five day community-building and learning experience. Throughout the week, learners will engage in rich conversations, share educational moments, participate in interactive activities, observe and perform role plays, and practice hands-on experiences that will provide them with:
During this five-day training, participants will be immersed in a community-building/learning experience that will provide them with the skills and knowledge to better support people that are going through complex life moments regarding their substance use, sexual health, gender identity, and sexual orientation, among other life circumstances.
The STI/HIV/HCV Skills Certification Training is a program of the Community Health Equity and Promotion (CHEP) Branch of the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH). The charge of the CHEP branch is to promote health equity by reducing health disparities among our most affected populations.
This training is for individuals who already have some experience working in the field of sexual health and drug user health, and want to develop and/or refresh their skills. Prior to attending in-person training sessions, learners should have:
- Observed at least six (6) sessions from beginning to end
- Observed at least three (3) rapid tests (from specimen collections to the reading of results)
- Completed the Pre-Training Course on learnsfdph.org (reviewed the slides & passed the quiz with a score of 80% or higher)
This program is open to all SFDPH-funded agencies staff and volunteers who are actively providing HIV/HCV testing services. Priority registration to attend these trainings is given to the SFDPH/CDC/state agencies funded to provide HIV and hepatitis C services. If you are not working with a SFDPH-funded partner, please reach out to Todd Watkins at todd.watkins@sfdph.org to inquire about any available slots.
At this time, only site coordinators should be registering learners for this training program. If you are a learner seeking to register yourself in this program and are unsure of who your site coordinator is, or you believe you are at a site without a coordinator, please contact Todd Watkins at todd.watkins@sfdph.org.
- National Harm Reduction Coalition Resource Center (includes resources on overdose prevention, hepatitis C, sex work, and other topics)
- CDC TRAIN Hep A, B, and C Course
- University of Washington Hep C Course
If you have any questions about your registration or the program, please contact Todd Watkins at todd.watkins@sfdph.org.