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  • in reply to: Study participant retention in community engaement #4721

    As   we  try  various   ways   of trying to ensure  retention in  trials,  we need  to  do this  recognizing  that   our actions are  not tantamount  to coercion  and  are not exerting undue  influence  to study participants especially those  in the control  arm and  equally those in the intervention.  This  is particularly  so for  operations research  kind  of trials   which can  be  significantly  affected by  attempts  by researchers  to   have participants in the study. So,  my key  word  is , we can try whatever  we can but we must be  clear that   we  are not  in any way exerting  influence   for  participants  to remain in the study because  of  our retention plans.  Lets  create  conditions  that  are the same level as standard  of care.

    in reply to: Lesson 2: discussion question (post here for credit) #4720

    In  a study  we  carried  out   with interest  in evaluating a livelihoods  project   we had supported,  our involvement of  stakeholders  was  very limited. Largely  this was because    we  had not   budgeted  well  on how many and  who to involve  right from the onset of the program.  We  did  not  experience  much  in terms of  negative  feedback  but when results  came out, we knew  very  well that  these  results  lacked stakeholder endorsement.

    in reply to: Community Represantation #4437

    I  agree  with  you .   The  issue of tenure   is   highly problematic  for most CAB.

    in reply to: Community Represantation #4436

    These  are  wonderful  discussions  and  i love    the  learning. My  worry though  is   on what exactly   we   mean by Community?  who is this  “community” in   either the CAG or CAB. What constitutes  or what should  constitutes  that which we  refer  to as the  community  for  a CAG or CAB  to be considered  a fair representation of the community?


    Team, Please  help in dissecting  and responding  to  this   confusion i have.

    in reply to: Welcome! #4435

    Hello  everyone, I am  Pemberai  Zambezi  from Zimbabwe    . I   am  trial manager  for  a  PMTCT  operations research project  for   mother  infant  pairs  being run in Zimbabwe, Malawi  and Nigeria.


    Its good   to be   part of the team, very  eager to learn GPP.



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