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Memberwe must not stop advocating for funding both at the federal and state level because fund has gone a long way in successful protocol implementation and i feel as far as advocacy is concern we can at least get what is needed to ensure success. in conclusion stakeholders need to join forces together as the saying goes united will stand divided will fall. thank you
Memberinformation technology such as the social media etc has evolved and individual into access to quick relevant and reliable information retrieval, it simply means that the social media is termed as information at your finger tips. As i manage NEW HIV VACCINE AND MICROBICIDE ADVOCACY SOCIETY’S (NHVMAS) instagram handle i have been able to communicate with people without initially seeing them and has gone a long way in timeliness of information and has therefore minimized the level at which information explosion is experienced. further more using the bluejean application has also made video conferences very reliable and has also brought me closer to ANNE now i know how she looks and i have had the opportunity to chat with her. my saying goes no information no life.
MemberBy disseminating complete, correct and accurate information, since information is power we must ensure that we are informed at all times and make sure that we manage information explosion so as to eradicate obsolete information and give room for new ideas to set in. I must also conclude by saying ”No information, No life. there would be a lacuna if information has not satisfied those who thirst for it. thank you