Forum Replies Created
Agnes Nondo
MemberIn response to Anne, our site has been sceptical to engage the media because of the past experience with the MTN study which was conducted a lot of kilometers from Lusaka not by our organsation but onother organisation, the negative reporting of the study outcome by the media has had a negative impact on the CRS for MTN. However, I do agree with Jaura that it is important to engage the media through the study, we plan to work with our organisation media department to get through to the national media for the studies to come.
Agnes Nondo
MemberAfter having gone through the module I have come to realise that what we our stakeholder mapping has not been inclusive. We have done our stakeholder mapping with our CAB members to identify the influential people in the research community to just inform them about the study not necessariry to engage them. We only considered CAB as the only stakeholder that was important to the research and whose feed back we have respected and considered. We recently have just learnt the importance of a diverse stakeholder engagement and so we have indluded it in our community paln and wehave already stsarted talking to some od the stakeholders.
Regarding susutaining stakeholder relationship, I believe it is important to have a team that is identified as strong in principle, a team of intergrity which can not be corrupted by neither the researcher nor the community.
Agnes Nondo
MemberIn response to Anne’s question, we do not set goals routinely, the common practice at our site is to set objectives, I think it is because we do not distinguish an objective and the goal. Regarding the collective strategic planning, yes I agree with you that this leads to better result because the parties involved brainstorm together and pick on the best option for the better output.
Secondly, I agree with Juara Nanyondo that the informed community develops a sense of ownership hence is accountable to both the research and the community.
Agnes Nondo
MemberIn response to the two questions from Erikan. -TO distinguish, a goal, objective. activity- the word objective and goals are rather confusing because they both describe a thing that ons wants to achieve but with the explanation from lesson 2, they mean different things.
– A goal is a general statement , it describes a big picture of a target
An Objective- is a specific result achieved from a set of activities to accomplish goal. An objective must be SMART- i.e Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely
An activity -describes the process of what when how how many times an action will done to support the objective
question 2- the two benefits of engaging stake holders through the entire process- Involving stake holders can build trust which can ultimately lead to support for both the study and the participants
2. it can lead to transparency and that can lead to better decision making
Consequences of not meaningfully involving stakeholders-if there is no trust it will be very difficult for the study to penetrate the community, it will not be possible for the study to re-strategies in case of failures at any stage of the study as they will no one to provide check and balances through the life cycle of the project.
The measurable indicators for example 1-increased numbers , increase number of recruitment materials distributed,increased numbers of screening recruitment, reduced or no rumors and misconceptions and good retention rate.
2. improved retention rate if they were low , improved retention, timely effective implementation of protocol, stakeholder engagement plan and community working plan plan amendments
Agnes Nondo
MemberI agree with leader Ngoyi, that it is easy to curb rumors when stakeholders are involved. Our CAB members had gone in the filed to help the staff track a participant who had missed several visits, when she saw them she shouted that( these are the satanists I have been talking about today they come to finish me meaning to kill her) the CAB and the Staff were almost lynched they were saved by the police officers, I was contacted and went to the police where the father to the participant spat in our CAB members face in my presence and said he was going to deal with all of us in the same way. We called on Community liaison and explained and wrote police statements, luck enough the wife to the police office in charge was a participant as well and the police officer in charge explained to the family ans so all were release.
Agnes Nondo
MemberIn your own words, describe why stakeholders are an important part of the research process.
Hello I believe stakeholders are an important part of research because we get research participants from the stakeholder, we collaborate wih the stakeholders we get advise from stakeholders they also provide checks and balances to the research process.
2) To what extent does the research team you work with have an understanding of the value of stakeholder engagement? Explain your answer
From the little knowledge that I have acquired from module one, our research team has not worked with the stakeholders as partners in the whole process of research. I say so because we have only involved community stakeholders we have not really involved broader stakeholders. we have to some extent involved national stakeholders just because the regulatory bodies have to review the protocols but we have not sat to really create that partnership we have instead regarded them as police of research. I should appreciate that this course has been timely to me personally and to the organisation as a whole as my perception of who a stakeholder is and the role that a stakeholder should play has changed. Agnes
09/23/2014 at 6:03 am in reply to: Welcome to the GPP Discussion Forum! Introduce yourself here #1753Agnes Nondo
MemberHi all,
I am Agnes Nondo, It is so good meeting you and to be part of thisgreat team. I failed to make it last week because our site received study monitors from the WHO, I hope to catch up soon . i have been in reraech for more than ten years and I have come to appreciate the importance of stakeholder engageement in reseach, I need to learn more from the team and share lessons learnt if and when stakeholders are sidelined in reaseach. -