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  • #3413
    Terfa Simon

    Conflict mitigation is often better than conflict and crisis management. Anticipating reasons for possible rejection and talking appropriate action could make the difference.

    Let each of us come up with one likely reason for possible opposition to a trial and one most appropriate action.

    Don’t repeat what some else has posted so that we can generation a long list.

    1-Feeling of being used as “guinea pigs” in research process: Action-Involve local researchers in the team for the design and implementation


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    • #3514

      Misinformation-we often deal with community members who lack information regarding clinical trials. Most of the issues we have dealt with are related to:

      1. HIV infections -if a participant sero-converts while participating or if someone spreads rumours, communities may believe that the site is infecting people with HIV.

      Sero-converters are referred to support groups on site however their other various support groups even though they are not widely known and also not very well funded as researchers we do have an obligation to the community in terms of empowering our participants ant their friends  and family as they are one of our key stakeholders

      2.Reimbursement – communities may believe that it is used to lure people into giving their specimens and blood samples for other purposes not know to them.

      All these obstacles can only be addressed through continuous community education meetings, community workshops and campaigns. It is crucial as a site to target participants more as they are the first people to experience what the study is all about. Events such as chilling sessions(informal or casual discussions with participants without any clinic procedures, these are held on weekends with all study participants) are quite helpful to identify and address myths and misconceptions  regarding the site and current studies.


    • #3487

      Hi all– I would love to hear more specifics. What exactly about trials might outside stakeholders oppose? What issues might you need to manage?

      For instance:

      • might they be opposed because of the cohort or type of population involved in the study?
      • Because trial participants receive money/reimbursement?
      • Because there are better health services available at a trial site than are available at regular healthcare centers?

      Who has dealt with these types of issues–and how did you resolve them?

    • #3484

      Issue: There is inconsistency in your communication with stakeholders…you say that you are going to keep your stakeholders updated, but you lack the resources to do so.

      Action: Agree with stakeholders upfront about the plan for feedback and communication– ie how often they will be updated and through what channels. This will help mitigate any potential conflicts!

    • #3475

      Issue: Bias from stakeholders; could be about the nature of study, they could suspect you are withholding information.

      Action: Engage them in information sharing, planning and implementation at different stages.

    • #3445

      Opposition of the Trial may arise due to social harms (Stigma or discrimination) that are determined to be associated with Trial participation

      Action; Research Team work closely with relevant Stakeholders in developing issues management plan prior to Trial implementation. This way Research teams are better equpped to deal with issues as they arise and are more likely to avert a crisis.

    • #3440

      Issue – Lack of recognition/understanding by the trial funder and/or trial sponsor on the importance of engagement with the community (thus, no interest or action from the start)

      Action – Training/education of these stakeholders to understand the essence of community engagement

    • #3436

      Stake holders may feel left out in the process, this may prompt them to oppose you in the course of the study.

      Action- will be to send information on all that has been done, explaining every step that has been taken and reasons why. Through transparency, trust can be built.

    • #3428

      Lack of stakeholder’s consultation from the on start of planning the trial, failure to engage with local stakeholders that represent the community at large can have bad impact or lead to trials be opposed. Diversity of cultures in different communities need to be considered when conducting trials as community stakeholders posses knowledge and understanding of local cultures & perspectives and dynamics of the local HIV epidemic, Active community stakeholder’s engagement programmes can build sustained relationships between researchers and communities that is transparent and respectful, so the need for GPP work plan is of importance as that will minimise the unforseen challenges.

    • #3421

      Hi I feel trials are ways of risks for success!!!

      in order to achieve more .. we have to risk more!

      • #3431
        Terfa Simon

        Just mention one reason and one action to be taken based on GPP.

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