
Dear Ann and all,

I hope you had a nice weekend. It is true that we seems to engage CAB other than other stakeholders, but beside engaging a site specific CAB, we also try to engage other stakeholders, e.g, we engage our Ministry of Health as our line Ministry;  we engage Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, women Parliamentarians, National Women Council, women associations, selected NGOs, families of participants, etc (because studies we have doing are for women).

How to engage them?

1)We use presentations, meetings, organize trainings, updates them for the previous and upcoming studies; the objective of this to provide Knowledge  and skills about Clinical trials.

2) We engage them by inviting them in our official events, some are invited as our guest honors( especially those coming from high level, e.g Ministries), others are coming to support the research sites.

When media want to talk to our stakeholders, they do it willingly. When Research need official documents, they get them without problem, because they are aware of what we are doing, as we share with them reports,

If any one from community have any question, they have number and contact person, they call any time they want during working hours.

Research nominated a representative who would be available to participate in any meeting organized with our Stakeholders, which increase a good collaboration.

We have been invited with different stakeholders to make a presentation on our research. But as mentioned in beginning, most of the time, Our CAG are the ones to be engaged.

Engaging other stakeholders, it is the best way to do smoothly the trial, but some times it is also limited by budgets.