Lesson 7_Track B_Sept 2016 Course
Welcome to Lesson 7: Standard of HIV Prevention and Access to HIV Care and Treatment!
In this lesson, you will be introduced to some of the important considerations in negotiating a standard package for HIV prevention. You will also learn about the process of developing linkages with stakeholders in order to care for those who seroconvert during a trial or are found to be HIV positive during screening.
Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 6 assignments before beginning Lesson 7. Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, Nov 15th.
STEP 1: Complete
Offline Viewing: PC Computer or iPad. See offline viewing instructions in the GPP Course Syllabus.
STEP 2: Complete the Lesson 7 Work Assignment and upload the final version below.
STEP 3: Post in the discussion forum! Remember that Track B learners must post to the discussion question thread for a minimum of 7 out of 10 lessons.