Lesson 7_Track B_Mar 21-Apr 04
Welcome to Lesson 7: Standard of HIV Prevention and Access to HIV Care and Treatment!
In this lesson, you will be introduced to some of the important considerations in negotiating a standard package for HIV prevention. You will also learn about the process of developing linkages with stakeholders in order to care for those who seroconvert during a trial or are found to be HIV positive during screening.
Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 6 assignments before beginning Lesson 7. Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, April 4th. We are allowing two weeks for this lesson to enable you to catch up on any outstanding work!
STEP 1: Complete
Offline Viewing: PC Computer or iPad. See offline viewing instructions in the GPP Course Syllabus.
STEP 2: Complete the Lesson 7 Work Assignment and upload the final version below.
STEP 3: We will be unveiling the forum topic later this week! Stay tuned.
STEP 4: Why not?! Attend a webinar for your own learning and GPP fun!