Lesson 3_Thailand_May-July 2017

Welcome to Lesson 3: Stakeholder Engagement in Formative Research Activities!

In this lesson, you will learn how formative research activities can deepen your understanding of your trial population and setting, and inform your stakeholder engagement efforts.

Complete the following steps by Monday, May 23rd

STEP 1: Complete

Click here for offline viewing of the modules: Computer or iPad. Be sure that you are connected to the Internet for the initial download. See the offline viewing instructions in your course syllabus for more detail.

STEP 2: Post your response to the Lesson 3 discussion question in the forum!


Lesson 2_Thailand_2017

Welcome to Lesson 2: GPP Scope and Structure!

This lesson illustrates how the GPP guidelines differs from and complements other guidance documents for the conduct of clinical trials. You will learn about the guiding principles of GPP, and the basic parts of a stakeholder engagement work plan.

Please make sure you have completed Lesson 1 before beginning Lesson 2.

Complete Please login.

Complete the module by Monday. May 15th. Please remember that we track your module completion on the back end of the LMS. 

Offline Viewing:  If you want to view the module offline click here for a computer: Desktop/laptop PC computer or click here if you are using an iPad. See offline viewing instructions in the course syllabus.

Use the Thai transcript when completing the module.

Remember to say hello in the forum.. and be brave! Post a photo too!


Lesson 1_Thailand_2017

Welcome to Lesson 1: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice!

This lesson introduces you to the history and rationale for the GPP Guidelines. You will also learn about some of the benefits of stakeholder engagement and the different types of stakeholders relevant to biomedical HIV prevention research.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed all of the Orientation Materials before beginning Lesson 1. You can review these materials on the Course Page.

Complete the online module by Monday, May 8th

STEP 1: Complete

Use the Thai transcript for translation help!

Click on these links for offline viewing: desktop/laptop version or iPad version. Refer to your course syllabus for additional instructions about offline viewing.

STEP 2: Introduce yourself on the discussion forum!


Lesson 10_Track B_Apr 18-May 5

Welcome to Lesson 10: Trial Closure and Results Dissemination, Post-Trial Access to Trial Products and Procedures!

This final lesson explores the roles of researchers and stakeholders in ensuring positive outcomes at the end of the trial. Specifically, you will learn about the complexities for preparing for results dissemination and the pathways through which participants and the broader community may receive access to efficacious products after a trial is completed.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the steps for  Lesson 9 before beginning Lesson 10. Complete the following assignments by Friday, May 5th

STEP 1: Complete 

Offline viewing: PC computer or Ipad

STEP 2: Complete the final assignment and upload the document below.

STEP 3: Lastly, complete the knowledge assessment and evaluation survey

And now relax, put your feet up, and celebrate! You earned it!

Lesson 10_Track A_Apr 18-May 5

Welcome to Lesson 10: Trial Closure and Results Dissemination, Post-Trial Access to Trial Products and Procedures!

This final lesson explores the roles of researchers and stakeholders in ensuring positive outcomes at the end of the trial. Specifically, you will learn about the complexities for preparing for results dissemination and the pathways through which participants and the broader community may receive access to efficacious products after a trial is completed.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 9 assignments before beginning Lesson 10. Complete the following assignments by Friday, May 5th.

STEP 1: Complete 

Offline viewing: PC computer or Ipad

STEP 2: Complete the GPP strategy and workplan. Upload the final versions below.

STEP 3: Lastly, complete the knowledge assessment and evaluation survey

And now relax, put your feet up, and celebrate! You earned it!

Lesson 9_Track A_April 11-18

Welcome to Lesson 9: Trial Accrual, Follow-up and Exit! 

In this lesson, you will learn about potential roles for stakeholders in improving the trial experience for participants from enrollment through exit. You will also learn how existing relationships with stakeholders may indirectly benefit a site’s recruitment and retention efforts.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 8 assignments before beginning Lesson 9. Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, April 18th.

STEP 1: Complete

Click here for offline Viewing: Computer or iPad. See offline viewing instructions in your GPP Course Syllabus.

STEP 2: Post in the discussion forum!

STEP 3: Complete the Lesson 8 assignment.

This is it.. keep going and don’t quit now! Work with teammates and consult your faculty! Challenge your own thinking! We believe in you! – The GPP Team

Lesson 9_Track B_April 11-18

Welcome to Lesson 9: Trial Accrual, Follow-up and Exit!

In this lesson, you will learn about potential roles for stakeholders in improving the trial experience for participants from enrollment through exit. You will also learn how existing relationships with stakeholders may indirectly benefit a site’s recruitment and retention efforts.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 8 assignments before beginning Lesson 9. Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, April 18th.

STEP 1: Complete

Click here for offline Viewing: Computer or iPad. See offline viewing instructions in your GPP Course Syllabus.

STEP 2: Post in the discussion forum and respond to the post of at least one other learner. Track B learners must post a response to a minimum of 7/10 discussion questions.

STEP 3: No assignment this week but please use the time to catch up, post more in the forum or even attend a webinar!

This is it.. keep going and don’t quit now! Work with teammates! Challenge your own thinking! We believe in you!

– The GPP Team

Lesson 8_Track B_Apr 4-11

Welcome to Lesson 8: Non-HIV Related Care and Trial Related Harms!

This lesson illustrates the complexities of addressing trial participants’ non-HIV related needs, such as family planning or harm reduction for substance use. You will also learn about the importance of anticipating and mitigating potential harms related to participation, such as stigma and breach of confidentiality.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 7 assignments before beginning Lesson 8.

Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, April 11th. 

STEP 1: Complete 

Click here for offline viewing: PC Computer or iPad. Refer to your Course Syllabus for additional instructions about offline viewing.

STEP 2: Post in the discussion forum! Remember that Track B learners must post a response to 7/10 discussion questions for course certification.

STEP 3: Relax and enjoy! No work assignment for Track B!

Lesson 8_Track A_Apr 4-11

Welcome to Lesson 8: Non-HIV Related Care and Trial Related Harms!

This lesson illustrates the complexities of addressing trial participants’ non-HIV related needs, such as family planning or harm reduction for substance use. You will also learn about the importance of anticipating and mitigating potential harms related to participation, such as stigma and breach of confidentiality.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 7 assignments before beginning Lesson 8. Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, April 11th

STEP 1: Complete 

Click here for offline viewing: PC Computer or iPad. Refer to your Course Syllabus for additional instructions about offline viewing.

STEP 2: Post in the discussion forum!

STEP 3: Complete the Lesson 8 assignment.

Lesson 7_Track A_Mar 21-Apr 04

Welcome to Lesson 7: Standard of HIV Prevention and Access to HIV Care and Treatment!

In this lesson, you will be introduced to some of the important considerations in negotiating a standard package for HIV prevention. You will also learn about the process of developing linkages with stakeholders in order to care for those who seroconvert during a trial or are found to be HIV positive during screening.

Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 6 assignments before beginning Lesson 7. Complete the following assignments by Tuesday, April 4th. We are allowing two weeks for this lesson to enable you to catch up on any outstanding work!

STEP 1: Complete 

Offline Viewing: PC Computer or iPad. See offline viewing instructions in the GPP Course Syllabus.

STEP 2: Complete the Lesson 7 Assignment and upload the final version below.

STEP 3: We will be unveiling the forum topic later this week! Stay tuned.

STEP 4: Why not?! Attend a webinar for your own learning and GPP fun!