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Your account has been created. Click the following link to activate your account {ACTIVATION_URL}.
Your username is {USER_NAME}. Use this username and the password you created to log into the system and enroll in courses!
Best Regards,
Amy Lee, Distance Learning Specialist
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Click the following link to activate your account {ACTIVATION_URL}.
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You are now enrolled in {COURSE_NAME} which starts on {COURSE_START_DATE}.
Below is a brief summary of the course: {COURSE_SUMMARY}
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CLI Team
You have been enrolled in a course!
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This system is managed by the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Center for Learning and Innovation.
Best Regards,
Amy Lee, Distance Learning Specialist
You have been enrolled in: {COURSE_NAME}
Course start date: {COURSE_START_DATE}
Course summary: {COURSE_SUMMARY}
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Welcome to Lesson 5!
In this lesson, you will explore GPP Online Training Modules 9 and 10.
In Module 9, you will learn about potential roles for stakeholders in improving the trial experience for participants from enrollment through exit. The final module explores the roles of researchers and stakeholders in ensuring positive outcomes at the end of the trial. Specifically, you will learn about the complexities for preparing for results dissemination and the pathways through which participants and the broader community may receive access to efficacious products after a trial is completed.
Please make sure you have reviewed and completed the Lesson 4 modules and assignment before beginning Lesson 5. Complete the following assignments by Friday, July 3rd!
STEP 1: Complete Module 9
Offline Viewing for Module 9: PC computer or iPad.
STEP 2: Complete Module 10:
Offline Viewing for Module 10: PC Computer or iPad.
Welcome to Lesson 2!
Module 2 illustrates how the GPP guidelines differs from and complements other guidance documents for the conduct of clinical trials. In Module 3, you will learn about how formative research activities can deepen your understanding of your trial population and setting, and inform your stakeholder engagement efforts. Lastly, Module 4 include reinforcement of key concepts for optimizing your engagement planning: stakeholder identification, development of educational activities to enable stakeholders to provide informed feedback, and use of multiple advisory mechanisms for consultations.
Please make sure you have reviewed and completed all of the Orientation Materials and Module 1 before beginning the next lessons.
Complete the following steps by Friday, June 12th.
STEP 1: Complete Module 2:
Offline Viewing for Module 2: Desktop/laptop PC computer or iPad.
STEP 2: Complete Module 3:
Offline Viewing for Module 3: PC computer or iPad.
STEP 3: Complete Module 4:
Offline Viewing for Module 4: PC computer or iPad.
STEP 4: Complete the Work Assignment and upload the final version below.
Welcome to Lesson 1: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice!
This lesson introduces you to the history and rationale for the GPP guidelines. You will also learn about some of the benefits of stakeholder engagement and the different types of stakeholders relevant to HIV research.
Please make sure you have reviewed and completed all of the Orientation Materials and assignments before beginning Lesson 1.
Complete the following steps by Friday, August 21st.
STEP 1: Complete
.Offline Viewing for Module 1: See offline viewing instructions on page 3 of the GPP Online Course Syllabus, and click on these links for offline viewing: desktop/laptop version or iPad version
Documents and links on an iPad: Required and optional documents/links are not available offline on an iPad. Download the following document before viewing the module: MTN-017 Case Study
STEP 2: Complete Work Assignment 1 and upload the final version below. Remember to include your name in the file title.
STEP 3 (optional): Post in the discussion forum! Track B learners must post in the forum for 7 out of 10 lessons in order to receive the course certificate.