Community-Led Programming


Presenter: Shannon Knox MORE INFO COMING SOON! Register Organizer: The Academy

Meaningful Involvement (HRTI)


Training Overview: Meaningful involvement of people who use drugs can increase support for harm reduction policy and advocacy efforts; challenge myths related to drug use, HIV, and viral hepatitis; and reframe the narrative supporting criminalization. Opportunities for job training and employment are in themselves an important component of harm reduction in communities of people who […]

Linking Clients to HCV Care

SFDPH 25 Van Ness Ave Room 610, San Francisco

Training Overview: This training will share resources and information on HCV services available in San Francisco and review effective strategies for connecting people to care. It is especially useful for community test counselors and frontline workers who engage with people at risk of hepatitis C (HCV) infection.  Registration is open to all CHEP-funded partners’ staff. Facilitators: […]

HCV/HIV/STI/Overdose Prevention Skills Certification Training


The HCV/HIV/STI/Overdose Prevention Skills Certification Training is a five day community-building and learning experience. Throughout the week, learners will engage in rich conversations, share educational moments, participate in interactive activities, observe and perform role plays, and practice hands-on experiences that will provide them with: Health information pertinent to supporting clients making informed choices regarding their […]

Healthcare for People Experiencing Homelessness: Barriers and Strategies That Work


People experiencing homelessness suffer illness and premature death at rates much higher than the general population. Black / African American people are severely over-represented among people experiencing homelessness nationally and particularly in San Francisco. This webinar will address causes of these disparities and strategies for mitigating their adverse effects.   At the conclusion of this […]

HEP C Series Part 3

Presenter: Andrew Reynolds MORE INFO COMING SOON! Register Organizer: The Academy

Coping with Grief (HRTI)


Training Overview: Facing death and the grief that comes with death is never easy. When the death is due to an overdose, or happens to a person who uses drugs, the death is often met with lack of understanding and sympathy. In this two-hour training we will hold space for unpacking complex feelings around grief […]

Panel Discussion: Engaging Participants in Street-Based Sexual Health Services (HAP)

SFDPH 25 Van Ness Ave Room 610, San Francisco

Training Overview: In this panel, we will hear from seasoned experts on best practices for outreach, engagement and follow-up with people experiencing homelessness and people who use drugs in street-based settings. We will also have time for questions and answers and opportunities to network with our community partners. Registration is open to all CHEP-funded partners’ […]

Harm Reduction Communication (HRTI)


Training Overview: In this two hour training participants will have the opportunity to explore what communication is, how our identity and our experience intersects/impacts our ability to communicate. They will also unpack and discuss the concept of power in communication and how to apply a harm reduction approach when communicating with others. By the end […]

Transgender Health


Presenter: Jasper Ayres MORE INFO COMING SOON! Register Organizer: The Academy

HCV Navigation Training

SFDPH 25 Van Ness Ave Room 610, San Francisco

Training Overview: This training aims to support people who work directly with people who are at risk of or living with hepatitis C (HCV). The training will focus on the role that navigation plays in HCV care, relationship building, and practical strategies to support HCV care along with other goals or priorities. The training will […]

Trauma Informed Care (HRTI)


Training Overview: This training is designed primarily for service providers without formal mental health training. The training provides an overview of trauma and mental health issues, roots of trauma and how harm reduction can be a tool/framework that can help us a practitioner understand and unpack the way trauma impacts our participants’ lives and our […]