1) The PrEP example in Module 10 highlighted how product introduction and scale-up can differ according to factors such as the country’s health systems, regulatory approval processes, and the availability of financial, human and other resources. Reflect on your setting and think about the potential process for introduction and possible scale-up of an efficacious microbicide (e.g., tenofovir gel or dapivarine ring). Describe what might be similar or different to the PrEP timeline.
The starting point will be to conduct Community Dialogues and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with groups of Community Stakeholders, Broader Stakeholders, District, Provincial and National Stakeholders. The objective will be to assess stakeholder’s reaction to various results scenarios. The following three results scenarios; Positive, Flat or Negative results and people should be asked on how they will react to these various scenarios. The communication plan aimed at addressing concerns identified during the assessment exercise should be developed. Such plan should aim to develop targeted messages that aim to address real issues
2) Describe ways you have engaged stakeholders (or been engaged as a stakeholder) in results dissemination for a trial and/or possible future access of a trial product. What were some of the challenges? Are there lessons learned you might share:
Consultation meetings with CAG and other stakeholders through out various phases of a trial. Possible challenges include a situation in which their are no enough resources to sustain product access in a community. Other challenges include lack of stakeholder support to a new product. Lessons learned is that stakeholder consultation should be an on-going process that should happen through out various phases of a trial in which potential trial threats are identified and addressed