1. What are some examples of trial-related harms that participants have experienced, or might experience, at your site or the site you are affiliated with (e.g. loss of housing, social stigma, vaccine induced seropositivity)?
I have been found that participant have social harm from family because his mother found Truvada in his bedroom. She understand that her son has HIV infection because she search internet and found that this drug is ARV.
2) How has your team dealt with these situations? Which stakeholders provided input, and how did they help?
Clinic staff investigate with participant about this situation and evaluate seriousness with him. We prefer option to resolve with him such as invite his mother to clinic and explain study to her. Finally, participant can explain to his mom with himself and this event resolved. At that time we no have stakeholder engagement clearly. However, we did consult with CAB after this situation resolved and they had suggestions about management plan for social harm.