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  • #1613

    Dear all,

    I am attending a 2 day M&E Tools training in Johannesburg. the training aims to equip community engagement managers with tools to successfully monitor and evaluate the impact of stakeholders enegagement work in clinical trials set-up. we developed and implemented GPP guidelines (site-specific GPP Plans for Facts001 study first), and now we add to our hard work, a M&E mechanism.

    It is a great opportunity for community work to be finally measured and valued using evidence-base indicators.

    We started today, and will finish tomorrow. feel free to ask me all about it…

    Lion Leader

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  • Author
    • #1831
      Cathy Slack

      Dear Stacey and Anne, thank you for distributing the draft tools. I am particulary interested in how they might help with SE around issues of ancillay care or standards of prevention and am happy to send comments on these if that would be of any use. Cathy

    • #1793

      Thanks Stacey! I will also send the tools around to everyone via regular email. That might be easier for some to access.


    • #1791

      Hello all! So pleased to hear of everyone’s excitement and interest in these tools. And, Leader, thank you for making the connection between our workshop last week and the GPP course.

      My sense is that we’ll talk quite a bit throughout the course about the need to be as academic as possible in our GPP/community engagement work. We’re going to look soon at developing strategic objectives for GPP planning as a first step to identifying indicators of success against which to measure. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and expertise!

      As promised, I am also attaching here a DRAFT copy of the M&E tools so far. As John said, these tools have been built into an online database, which we cannot distribute at the moment as it’s not publicly functional. But the tools I’m posting here make up that database. You are welcome to print them out and use them in your work now, if you’d like!

      I’m happy to answer any questions. And, as indicated, since these are still in draft form and we are just finalizing the first round of the toolkit database, I would ask kindly that you do not distribute the tools right now.

      All the best,


    • #1758
      John Mdluli

      Dear All

      I agree with Leader and all who have commented on these tools.  I also had a privilege to attend the training with Leader last week. Our site Aurum Tembisa CRS also participated in the  piloting process of these tools.

      9 tools were administered as follow: 1. Community Engagement Log 2. Compilation of clinical data. 3. Interview with community member 4. Interview with community stakeholder 5. CAB member interview 6. Interview with trial participants 7. Interview with prospective participant. 8. Interview with community manager  and 9. Interview with the study PI

      Also note that these tools are administered on line. Not sure if we can share cause from my understanding we were advised that they  still need to do some amendments to certain tools. TB Alliance have the intellectual property rights to the system  and we might need their approval before sharing

    • #1754

      Dear all,

      I hope you all had a nice weekend. I agree with you all about M&E tools, it is an important tool that would help all of us because it is after evaluation that we would know, not only effort of stakeholders, but also our own efforts done . without a good collaboration and communication with our stake holders, I do not think that they would be able to achieve a lot. So this tool will be very crucial to show all of us our strengths or weakness, once we are able to know that, the positive change would be done easily. This tool is kind of motivation for us to make systematically evaluation, once we know that tool of M&E exist, for sure we will do a valuation and share it with our stakeholders where it is possible.

    • #1751

      These tools will help us evaluate our efforts in the field!!!!

      Staff outside the community engagement office most times ask what we do in the field …………. with these tools available…. we are covered.

    • #1746

      Dear Mathias, Jolly and all,

      I do agree with you all, the training last week was great and I hope these M&E tools once implemented will be able to strongly support the relevance and significance of community engagment (GPP) work.

      There are a couple of key informant interview assessment tools, for CAB members, potential participants, etc. the CE Coordinator has a tool to assess themselves, the PI as well…

    • #1686

      Good news! Stacey will be uploading some of the materials from the recent M&E training in Johannesburg next week! So watch this space….




    • #1653
      Hi Leader and Mathias:
      I look forward to seeing those tools as well. GPP implementation for the FACTS sites has been very comprehensive, so I expect Leader to chime in routinely with lots of examples! We will have lots of opportunity for sharing tools and resources– you can upload  documents, in fact, to the discussion forum!
      And we can definitely carve out some more time to talk about approaches and challenges to measuring the short and longer term outcomes of stakeholder engagement–in fact, the whole topic could be a training on its own!
    • #1634

      Hi Lion,

      This is Jolly Jau, that M&E training is very crucial, at this time when researchers  are buying in to implementing GPP’s theme areas, they would want to look at how value for money invested in stakeholder engagement has resulted in improving research uptake in the communities where they work.

      I had always thought about monitoring and evaluation of the community engagement mechanisms, Leader you are the game. Looking forward to the sharing the tools.

      Take care all.

      Jolly Jau-Uganda

    • #1618

      Dear Leader ,

      Nice Seeing that GPP is taking shape globally. Again learning about employing M&E tools in community engagement is exciting. Longing for that time when I can ably and routinely employ these tools.

      Is there such an opportunity to share this during this training(GPP)? Looking forward!

    • #1674
      Cathy Slack

      Hi all, this discussion zeros in on how important it is to assess outcomes of GPP like impact on ethical quality/ rigor; and whenever it’s possible it would be great to see materials that can help all of us to measure that better.

      It will also be important and reassuring for bodies with ethical oversight like IRBs to understand just how seriously research staff are taking GPP.

      Looking forward to starting the course next week! Cathy

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Erikan.
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