Dear All
In most cases that I have come across there is no perfect participation by all stakeholders from any settings however in my encounter with such practise of non- participation or meaningful participant. The stakeholders were involved in too many forums or networks and yet you find that time were clashing and some stakeholders representatives were all over not willing to share with other colleagues and this could have been for selfish, inferior and lack of confidence to others. The weakness with community stakeholders is that they like to participate in everything for reason that obvious which is visibility and possible requirement by funder that they should show involvement and government stakeholders in most cases fail to attend to meeting due to time or if your organisation is suspected to be aligned to a particular party. The impact of such is that we have to conduct same activities in subsequent meetings which can be time consuming and issues relevant for that meeting agenda don’t get time they deserve. Also if we have stakeholders who are non-compliant there are forever left behind with developments and they fail to give feedback to their respective constituents and this portrays a bad image on site accountability to community and other stakeholders.